Here: part 2 all about Successful loyalty programs part 1
100 Loyalty Program Strategies
By: Copyright by Mr. X
51 to 100
51) Award prospects with money certificates. It can be for people obtaining your DVD. It might persuade them to order access to your private blog.
52) Present leads with good deals. It may be for prospects observing your web cam. It could induce them to invest in your personal products.
53) Offer visitors exclusive offers. It could be for leads marketing your web site. It can persuade them to buy your seminar.
54) Advance customers with good value. It might be for visitors looking at your interview. It may influence them to purchase your health products.
55) Extend people with price rewards. It can be for customers listing your advertisement. It might inspire them to order your interviews.
56) Reward prospects with sale rebates. It may be for people listening to your podcast. It could inspirit them to invest in your play by play broadcast.
57) Give leads value points. It could be for prospects listening to your audios. It can interest them to buy your software products.
58) Provide visitors with budget pricing. It might be for leads linking to your web site. It may justify them to purchase your fitness products.
59) Supply customers with mark downs. It can be for visitors joint venturing with you. It might launch them to order your workshop.
60) Reward people with special offers. It may be for customers joining your membership site. It could lead them to invest in your hobby products.
61) Furnish prospects with price reductions. It could be for people installing your toolbar. It can lure them to buy your teleclass.
62) Award leads with lower prices. It might be for prospects indexing your article submission. It may magnetize them to purchase your presentation.
63) Present visitors with littler charges. It can be for leads grabbing your cd. It might manage them to order your antique products.
64) Offer customers smaller fees. It may be for visitors giving way your brandable report. It could maneuver them to invest in your slide show.
65) Advance people price breaks. It could be for customers giving their opinion. It can motion them to buy your training class.
66) Extend prospects with tinnier costs. It might be for people giving away your demo. It may motivate them to purchase your shoe products.
67) Reward leads with better deals. It can be for prospects getting your web site templates. It might move them to order your online video.
68) Give visitors discount offers. It may be for leads getting your free report. It could influence them to invest in your gardening products.
69) Provide customers with cheaper prices. It could be for visitors getting your free offline product. It can persuade them to buy your beauty products.
70) Supply people with reduced costs. It might be for customers getting your free book. It may plead them to purchase your landscaping.
71) Reward prospects with cost cutting. It can be for people forwarding your testimonial/success story. It might pilot them to order your web sites.
72) Furnish leads with below retail prices. It may be for prospects filling out your survey. It could propel them to invest in your streaming audios.
73) Award visitors with deeper savings. It could be for leads filling in their profile. It can prompt them to buy your clothing products.
74) Present customers with no interest accounts. It might be for visitors filling in their contact information. It may propel them to purchase your streaming videos.
75) Offer people with trade-in discounts. It can be for customers fetching your tutorial. It might provoke them to order your pet products.
76) Advance prospects with loyalty partnerships. It may be for people entering your sweepstakes. It could pull them to invest in your baby products.
77) Extend leads with lower competition prices. It could be for prospects entering your contest. It can push them to buy your toy products.
78) Reward visitors with delayed payments. It might be for leads entering their email address. It may reassure them to purchase your teenage products.
79) Give customers with cost reductions. It can be for visitors enrolling in your webinar. It might regulate them to order senior citizen products.
80) Provide people with lower bills. It may be for customers enlisting in your newsletter. It could seduce them to invest in your video tours.
81) Supply prospects with smaller payments. It could be for people downloading your free software. It can shift them to buy your food products.
82) Reward leads with lower interest. It might be for prospects downloading your free ebook. It may slide them to purchase your furniture products.
83) Furnish visitors with diluted prices. It can be for leads downloading your q and a. It might spur them to order your online tools.
84) Award customers with slashed charges. It may be for visitors downloading for your ereport. It could steer them to invest in your hardware products.
85) Present people with scale down fees. It could be for customers donating a gift. It can stimulate them to buy your advice/feedback.
86) Offer prospects deflated prices. It might be for people distributing your video trailer. It may stir them to purchase your medicine products.
87) Advance leads with sunken costs. It can be for prospects confirming their subscription. It might sway them to order your holiday products.
88) Extend visitors with rebate offers. It may be for leads commenting on your blog. It could swing them to invest in your archives.
89) Reward customers with lower rates. It could be for visitors checking out your MLM program. It can tempt them to buy your footwear products.
90) Give people with cut prices. It might be for customers buying through your affiliate link. It may trigger them to purchase your birthday products.
91) Provide prospects with decrease costs. It can be for people bidding on your product. It might turn on them to order your vacation products.
92) Supply leads with economized prices. It may be for prospects beta testing your program. It could twist them to invest in your coaching/consulting.
93) Reward visitors with a skip a payment. It could be for leads being your friend/follower. It can uplift them to buy your office products.
94) Furnish customers with affinity bonuses. It might be for visitors bartering their product/service. It may urge them to purchase your real estate products.
95) Award people with dwindling fees. It can be for customers back linking to your site. It might usher them to order your event recordings.
96) Present prospects with partial recouping. It may be for people applying for your job position. It could warrant them to invest in your online service.
97) Offer leads advantage cards. It could be for prospects answering your questionnaire. It can wear on them to buy your MLM products.
98) Advance visitors with appreciation credits. It might be for leads advertising your service. It may win them over to purchase your mastermind/brainstorm session.
99) Extend customers with recoverable discounts. It can be for visitors trying your product samples. It might wow them to order your kid products.
100) Reward people with trade-in points. It may be for customers accepting your gifts. It could yield them to invest in your school products.