Here: part 1 Successful loyalty programs
100 Loyalty Program Strategies
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By: Copyright by Mr. X
1) Reward prospects with loyalty points. It could be for people watching your video. It can allure them to buy your ebook.
2) Give leads discount credits. It might be for prospects volunteering their expertise/service. It may alter them to purchase your print report.
3) Provide visitors with savings dollars. It can be for leads visiting your blog. It might appeal them to order your ezine.
4) Supply customers with redeemable cash. It may be for visitors viewing your presentation. It could arouse them to invest in your articles.
5) Reward people with pretend money. It could be for customers viewing your pictures/photos. It can assert them to buy your membership site.
6) Furnish prospects with virtual funds. It might be for people viewing your demonstration. It may assure them to purchase your e-class.
7) Award leads with digital income. It can be for prospects using your script. It might attract them to order your e-report.
8 – Present visitors with fantasy bucks. It may be for leads using your online tools. It could persuade them to invest in your service.
9) Offer customers action awards. It could be for visitors using your chat room. It can influence them to buy your online game.
10) Advance people gift certificates. It might be for customers using for your checklists. It may bribe them to purchase your biography.
11) Extend prospects with compensation tickets. It can be for people undertaking your poll. It might bring about them to order your directory.
12) Reward leads with discount codes. It may be for prospects trying your resell rights. It could bring then around to investing in your book.
13) Give visitors comp cards. It could be for leads trading banner ads with you. It can budge them to buy your newsletter.
14) Provide customers with reserve vouchers. It might be for visitors telling their list about your web site. It may cajole them to purchase your lessons.
15) Supply people with coupon receipts. It can be for customers telling their friends about your freebie. It might captivate them to order your offline product.
16) Reward prospects with provisional awards. It may be for people taking your free workshop. It could cause them to invest in your forum access.
17) Furnish leads with motivational bonuses. It could be for prospects taking your free training. It can encourage them to buy your music.
18) Award visitors with pretend cash. It might be for leads taking your free coaching. It may charm them to purchase your web cam training.
19) Present customers with motivational prizes. It can be for visitors taking your class. It might coach them to order your how to movie.
20) Offer people discount allowances. It may be for customers swapping email ads with you. It could coax them to invest in your mp3 products.
21) Advance prospects with profit dividends. It could be for people submitting their article to your web site. It can command them to buy your magazine.
22) Extend leads with play money. It might be for prospects studying your resources. It may condition them to purchase your audio book.
23) Reward visitors with imagery currency. It can be for leads studying your free course. It might reward to them to order your list service.
24) Give customers financial rewards. It may be for visitors downloading for your guide. It could convert them to invest in your electronic products.
25) Provide people with loyalty returns. It could be for customers snatching up your booklet. It can convince them to buy your outdoor products.
26) Supply prospects with membership benefits. It might be for people subscribing to your zine. It may direct them to purchase your seo service.
27) Reward leads with discount coupons. It can be for prospects signing up your affiliate program. It might draw them to order your web site script.
28) Furnish visitors with buying incentives. It may be for leads signing up to your ecourse. It could drive them to invest in your tutorials.
29) Award customers with gift entries. It could be for visitors signing up to your instant commissions program. It can affect them to buy your training show.
30) Present people with price reimbursements. It might be for customers reviewing your products. It may enchant them to purchase your nutrition products.
31) Offer prospects an internet contribution. It can be for people reserving their seminar seat. It might encourage them to order your autoresponder series.
32) Advance leads with online discounts. It may be for prospects researching your offer. It could energize them to invest in your cd.
33) Extend visitors with profit sharing. It could be for leads requesting your consulting. It can enlist them to buy your apps.
34) Reward customers with activity rewards. It might be for visitors registering for your teleseminar. It may entice them to purchase your household products.
35) Give people web bargains. It can be for customers referring a friend to your site. It might entrap them to order your news commentary.
36) Provide prospects with electronic bonuses. It may be for people reading your transcripts. It could escort them to invest in your dvd.
37) Supply leads with investment returns. It could be for prospects reading your lessons. It can excite them to buy access to your virtual world.
38) Reward visitors with loyalty advantages. It might be for leads reading your free excerpts. It may influence them to purchase your diet products.
39) Furnish customers with huge savings. It can be for visitors publishing your article. It might fascinate them to order your online audio.
40) Award people with bigger quantities. It may be for customers publicizing your news story. It could force them to invest in your video clips.
41) Present prospects with marketing rewards. It could be for people promoting your product. It can get them to buy your photo gallery.
42) Offer leads advertising deals. It might be for prospects previewing your sales letter. It may give way to them purchasing your podcast.
43) Advance visitors with savings benefits. It can be for leads posting your software code. It might govern them to order your craft products.
44) Extend customers with fake money. It may be for visitors posting an article on your blog. It could guide them to invest in your chat room access.
45) Reward people with promotional rewards. It could be for customers playing your online game. It can hearten them to buy your autobiography.
46) Give prospects performance awards. It might be for people picking up your graphics. It may hook them to purchase your automobile products.
47) Provide leads with buying allowances. It can be for prospects passing around your press release. It might hound them to order your sports products.
48) Supply visitors with big bargains. It may be for leads participating in your forum. It could hypnotize them to invest in your private message board access.
49) Reward customers with cash back deals. It could be for visitors opting in to your free trial. It can incite them to buy your recordings.
50) Furnish people with taking action exchanges. It might be for customers opening a support ticket. It may incline them to purchase your teleseminar.