One Hundred Ezine Publishing Ideas review
This eBook will give you 100 ezine publishing blueprints. They can be used for newsletters, e-zines, newspapers and magazines. There are ideas included for subscription publication content, designs, niches, titles and promotion.
1) Start an animals ezine. You could name it a Digest publication. It might have concept articles. You could publish it once a month.
2) Publish an automobiles email newsletter. You may title it a Guide publication. It can contain strategy information. You can charge a subscription fee to it.
3) Create a babies online magazine. You can call it a Shortcuts publication. It may include idea content. You may ask subscribers to take a satisfaction survey.
4) Make a birthdays webzine. You might label it an Informer publication. It could have advice articles. You might state what articles will be in the next issue.
5) Write a business internet zine. You could brand it a Times publication. It might contain instruction information. You can give your opt-ins a free ebooks with their subscription.
6) Market a candy/chocolate digital newspaper. You may tag it a Of The Week/Day publication. It can include method content. You might trade classified ads with other publications.
7) Launch a career/jobs blog zine. You can term it an Adviser publication. It may have objective articles. You could sell classified ads in your publication.
8- Advertise a celebrities ezine. You might designate it an Illustrated publication. It could contain interview information. You may survey your current subscribers.
9) Release a child care email newsletter. You could name it a Chronicle publication. It might include feature/benefit content. You can use different fonts in your publication.
10) Promote a children/kids online magazine. You may title it a Magazine publication. It can have outline articles. You could allow subscribers to forward your publication to others.
11) Produce a cleaning webzine. You can call it a Observer publication. It may contain loophole information. You can give your opt-ins a free report with their subscription.
12) Broadcast a climate internet zine. You might label it a Procedures publication. It could include checklist content. You may ask you subscribers for testimonials.
13) Publicize a communications digital newspaper. You could brand it an Advice publication. It might have coupon/discount articles. You might swap banner ads with other publications.
14) Construct a community blog zine. You may tag it a Voice publication. It can contain plan information. You could publish it twice a week or bi weekly.
15) Formulate a computer/Internet ezine. You can term it a Post publication. It may include list content. You could sell top sponsors ads in your publication.
16) Circulate a conspiracy theories email newsletter. You might designate it a Tactics publication. It could have gifts/freebie articles. You can publish your publication in text format.
17) Set up a construction online magazine. You could name it a Basics publication. It might contain forum post information. You can give your opt-ins a free audio with your publication.
18) Design a cooking/food webzine. You may title it a Principles publication. It can include recipe content. You might barter top sponsor ads with other publications.
19) Compile a countries/states internet zine. You can call it a Monitor publication. It may have JV offer articles. You can state who it’s bought to you by.
20) Syndicate a crafts digital newspaper. You might label it a Notes publication. It could contain alert/recall/warning information. You could allow subscribers to link to your publication.
21) Transmit a credit card blog zine. You could brand it a Ezine publication. It might include horoscope content. You could link to some subscriber video testimonials.
22) Prepare a crime ezine. You may tag it a Questions publication. It can have step/model articles. You could sell back issues of your publication.
23) Issue a dad/mom email newsletter. You can term it a Wisdom publication. It may contain presentation information. You can let people subscribe for free.
24) Form a dating/singles online magazine. You might designate it a Ledger publication. It could include countdown content. You can publish your publication in html format.
25) Forge a decorating webzine. You could name it a Newsletter publication. It might have letter/note articles. You can give your opt-ins a free video with their subscription.
26) Unveil a dental/vision internet zine. You may title it a Opinions publication. It can contain product/web site review information. You could all subscribers to tell a friend about you publication.
27) Draft a diet/nutrition digital newspaper. You can call it a Tricks publication. It may include lesson/assignment content. You could publish it once a week.
28) Author a education/college blog zine. You might label it a Press publication. It could have question/answer articles. You can publish your publication in pdf format.
29) Invent a electronics/technology ezine. You could brand it a News publication. It might contain myth/misconception information. You can give your opt-ins free software with their subscription.
30) Manufacture a energy email newsletter. You may tag it a Plans publication. It can include update content. You might trade articles with other publications.
31) Develop a entertainment online magazine. You can term it a Techniques publication. It may have event listing articles. You could publish your publication in blog format.
32) Start a environment webzine. You might designate it a World publication. It could contain press release information. You may ask you subscribers for more content ideas.
33) Publish a exercise/fitness internet zine. You could name it a Advertiser publication. It might include scheme content. You can list you publication in e-zine directories.
34) Create a exotic/adult digital newspaper. You may title it a Modal publication. It can have demonstration articles. You can post who it’s created by.
35) Make a family blog zine. You can call it a Secrets publication. It may contain word game/trivia information. You can post you publication in forums.
36) Write a fashion ezine. You might label it a Trends publication. It could include column content. You could link to some subscriber audio testimonials.
37) Market a fiction email newsletter. You could brand it a Email Newsletter publication. It might have picture/cartoon/comic articles. You can publish your publication in audio format.
38) Launch a frugal/save money online magazine. You may tag it a Answers publication. It can contain resource/link information. You may ask subscribers to rate your publication.
39) Advertise a gambling/lottery webzine. You can term it a Strategies publication. It may include analysis content. You could sell full page ads in your publication.
40) Release a games internet zine. You might designate it a Life publication. It could have graph/pie chart articles. You might list some of your subscriber testimonials.
41) Promote a garden digital newspaper. You could name it a Interviews publication. It might contain pros/cons information. You can give your opt-ins a free ad with their subscription.
42) Produce a gifts blog zine. You may title it a Gossip/Rumors publication. It can include reminder content. You may ask your subscribers of they like the quality of your publication.
43) Broadcast a government ezine. You can call it a Outlook publication. It may have drawing/graphical articles. You could publish it every day.
44) Publicize a health email newsletter. You might label it a Weekly publication. It could contain perspective/remedy information. You could post you publication on social media sites.
45) Construct a hobbies online magazine. You could brand it a Formulas publication. It might include job/single/product ad content. You might swap content with other publications.
46) Formulate a holidays webzine. You may tag it a Instructions publication. It can have word/definition articles. You may ask your subscribers what they want subtracted from your publication.
47) Circulate a home remedies internet zine. You can term it a Register publication. It may contain schedule/time line information. You can post the day of the week in it.
48) Set up a humor digital newspaper. You might designate it a Living publication. It could include problem/solution content. You could use you publication as a product bonus.
49) Design a insurance/legal blog zine. You could name it a Stories publication. It might have contest/sweepstake articles. You can give your opt-ins a free ecourse with their subscription.
50) Compile a inventions ezine. You may title it a Directions publication. It can contain direction/map information. You might paste some subscribers letters in it.
51) Syndicate a investing email newsletter. You can call it a Tips publication. It may include news/local/state/international. content. You can publish your publication in video format
52) Transmit a jewelry online magazine. You might label it a Today publication. It could have factor articles. You might barter squeeze pages with other publications.
53) Prepare a landscaping webzine. You could brand it a Summary publication. It might contain audio information. You can type who its published by.
54) Issue a language internet zine. You may tag it a Keys publication. It can include rss feed content. You may ask subscribers how to improve your publication.
55) Form a legal digital newspaper. You can term it a Review publication. It may have example articles. You might list some subscriber reviews in it.
56) Forge a lifestyle blog zine. You might designate it a Bulletin publication. It could contain advertorial information. You can give your opt-ins a free coaching with their subscription.
57) Unveil a make-up ezine. You could name it a Quarterly publication. It might include statistic/survey/poll content. You could give it a Roman numeral issue number.
58) Draft a manufacturing email newsletter. You may title it a Factors publication. It can have procedure articles. You create a loyalty program with your publication.
59) Author a marketing/advertising online magazine. You can call it a Book publication. It may contain story fact/fiction information. You can publish your publication in cd format.
60) Invent a marriage/weddings webzine. You might label it a Examples publication. It could include critiquing content. You may ask your subscribers for constructive feedback.
61) Manufacture a men/woman internet zine. You could brand it a Success publication. It might have excerpts/sample articles. You can create an affiliate program with your publication.
62) Develop a movies digital newspaper. You may tag it a Daily publication. It can contain transcript information. You might trade ecourse ads with other publications.
63) Start a music/instruments blog zine. You can term it a Messenger publication. It may include opinion content. You can compose who its copyrighted by.
64) Publish a nature ezine. You might designate it a Benefits publication. It could have fag articles. You can give your opt-ins a free consulting with their subscription.
65) Create a neighborhood email newsletter. You could name it a Reporter publication. It might contain day in history information. You could allow affiliates to republish you publication with their links.
66) Make a night life online magazine. You may title it a Dispatch publication. It can include bio/auto bio/profile content. You may ask your subscribers their feelings about your publication.
67) Write a non profit webzine. You can call it a Solutions publication. It may have descriptions articles. You can publish you publication in DVD format.
68) Market a occupation t internet zine. You might label it a Concepts publication. It could contain hint/clue information. You might publish some of your famous subscriber endorsements.
69) Launch a outdoors digital newspaper. You could brand it a Telegram publication. It might include shortcuts content. You can make a membership site with your publication.
70) Advertise a paranormal blog zine. You may tag it a Ideas publication. It can have commentary articles. You can hold a promotional contest for you publication.
71) Release a parenting ezine. You can term it a Journal publication. It may contain formulas information. You may ask your subscribers what they want added to your publication.
72) Promote a people email newsletter. You might designate it a Recipes publication. It could include blog post content. You can include the issue number on it.
73) Produce a pets online magazine. You could name it a Information publication. It might have explanation articles. You could add pictures to your publication.
74) Broadcast a poems webzine. You may title it a Examiner publication. It can contain guest/expert information. You can construct a ebook with your publication.
75) Publicize a politics internet zine. You can call it a Insider publication. It may include coaching/consulting session’s content. You may ask subscriber were they learning about your publication from.
76) Construct a pregnancy digital newspaper. You might label it a Blueprints publication. It could have test/experiment articles. You can give your opt-ins a free template with their subscription.
77) Formulate a radio/television blog zine. You could brand it a Roundup publication. It might contain preview information. You might post some subscriber comments.
78) Circulate a real estate ezine. You may tag it a Mag publication. It can include to do list content. You can shorten to publication urls to make them look better.
79) Set up a relationship email newsletter. You can term it a Monthly publication. It may have quotes/jokes articles. You may list the guest writers.
80) Design a religion online magazine. You might designate it a Of The Month publication. It could contain fact information. You can publish your publication in web page format.
81) Compile a safety/secure webzine. You could name it a Beliefs publication. It might include process content. You may ask your subscribers if they like the format of your e-zine.
82) Syndicate a science internet zine. You may title it a Record publication. It can have success story/testimonial articles. You can state who it’s written/edited by.
83) Transmit a self defense/weapons digital newspaper. You can call it a Letter publication. It may contain download information. You can give your opt-in a free graphics with their subscription.
84) Prepare a self help blog zine. You might label it a Insights publication. It could include blueprint content. You can create a report with your publication.
85) Issue a seniors ezine. You could brand it a Advantages publication. It might have summaries/highlight articles. You may ask your subscribers if your publication should be longer.
86) Form a sexuality email newsletter. You may tag it a Methods publication. It can contain rule/terms information. You might give it a issue letter.
87) Forge a shopping online magazine. You can term it a Gazette publication. It may include swipe files/template content. You can add colors to your publication.
88) Unveil a singles webzine. You might designate it a Facts publication. It could have video articles. You can give your opt-in a free article with their subscription.
89) Draft a social networking internet zine. You could name it a Features publication. It might contain system information. You could add graphics to your publication.
90) Author a society/culture digital newspaper. You may title it a Annual publication. It can include suggestion/recommendation content. You could turn you publication into a book.
91) Invent a software blog zine. You can call it a Inquirer publication. It may have compare/contrast articles. You can allow others to republish your content and get back links.
92) Manufacture a space ezine. You might label it a Content publication. It could contain tactic information. You may ask your subscriber if your publication is easy to read.
93) Develop a sports email newsletter. You could brand it a Designs publication. It might include tip content. You can say who it’s sponsored by.
94) Start a tattoos online magazine. You may tag it a Helper publication. It can have case study articles. You can publish you publication in print format.
95) Publish a taxes webzine. You can term it a Elements publication. It may contain technique information. You could publish some subscriber success stories.
96) Create a teen’s internet zine. You might designate it a Reader publication. It could include trade/swap ad content. You can cloak your publication links to protect your sales.
97) Make a travel/vacation digital newspaper. You could name it a Herald publication. It might have social post articles. You may write down the article contributors.
98) Write a video games blog zine. You may title it a Tribune publication. It can contain trainings/tutorial information. You can give your opt-in a free apps with their subscription.
99) Market a war/military ezine. You can call it a Tabloid publication. It may include transcribe/language content. You can add or sell contextual ads to your publication.
100) Launch a weather email newsletter. You might label it a Report publication. It could have trick articles. You could outsource the publishing of your publication.
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